Monday 22 March 2010


Useful Arts is no longer an active organisation.
However a small amount of money is left over from activities in 2009.
We would like to offer this to assist with small art activity that benefits service users (Ideally drug and alcohol and/or mental health service users).

In 2008 Useful Arts benefited from the support of just a few disposable cameras that got us going at that time and resulted in such positive experiences for so many that were involved.
We hope that we can return the favour with something similar for another group.

Please contact : usefularts.brighton at
(change at to @ and remove spaces)

We would require
  • a description of the proposed activity
  • details of how this would benefit service users
  • how many service users
  • your time scale
We have limited resources and may not be able to support all proposed activities.
The decision of Useful Arts is final.

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